Welcome to fall! I am so sorry that I have been blogless. I am sure everyone has been waiting and wondering where I am. Ha! So yes I know I am the only one who knows I have not written anything in forever, except for the poor sales email I received last week from someone saying there is a site that can write them for me. Really? I would rather have no blog post than a fake blog post. Is that really a thing? Anyway, back to fall.
I have been stupid busy for the past 6 weeks. And I’m not complaining. I am someone who loves and thrives on being busy. Ironically I am actually more productive when I am busy. I think it’s the ADD or something. But I am glad my social calendar has a big fat pause button right now, AND that my kiddos are back in school. I really love a nice, predictable routine and summer is not routine friendly in our house.
Now that we are back to a two working parent household AND the kids are back in school AND it’s fall, well that means one thing. The crockpot. Today I feel compelled to share my favorite crockpot recipes because not only are they so good, but if you are like me, then you just get giddy when you walk in the door and smell the deliciousness and know that your evening is going to be SO. MUCH. EASIER. And I feel like people are always asking for good crockpot recipes. My husband used to say that everything in the crockpot turned out with the same taste, but I have proved him wrong. So here they are – enjoy!!
Cilantro Lime Chicken Tacos – we love these on hard taco shells with black beans and sour cream! My kids typically just like the black beans and shredded cheese and salsa on the shell.
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs – admittedly not for a regular dinner, but awesome for football games! And my BFF turned me on to this amazing blue cheese dressing that is made from greek yogurt and totally tastes like the real thing. I think it is by Boathouse??
Roasted Pork with Peach Salsa and Sweet Potatoes – I just grab the salsa from Trader Joe’s. The kids don’t like the sweet potatoes so I usually make them rice and we either have a salad or some veggie with it. The only veggie all 3 kids like is edamame. So we eat that. A lot.
Greek Chicken – grab some tzaiki at Trader Joe’s while you are there, or Costco if you REALLY like it. My kids love to dip rolls in it! We usually have a salad or green beans and rice with this – so yummy.
Dijon Beef & Mushrooms – only one of my kids actually eats mushrooms, so I usually make roasted cauliflower as a side. Two eat it raw dipped and ranch and one likes it roasted. 🙂 Rice or mashed potatoes would be good with this too.
So these are my favorites so far. If you have any favorites, please share them! Oh and if you live near a Wegmans then you MUST purchase the seasoned pork shoulder that comes in a bag that you literally tear the label off and put the whole bag right in the crockpot. We get the one that feeds 4-6 and I am not even kidding when I say it is probably the best thing I have ever put in a crockpot, not to mention ridiculously easy. My dear friend Michelle told me about it and we are hooked.
I hope that the fall transition has been a good one in your house! Here’s to football, early bedtimes and easy evenings!